Newcomers is a committee that falls under the Ministry of Communication. It is how we welcome and incoporate those who visit us and want to be a part of our church family? Areas of focus for Newcomers are:
- Designing Newcomer material
- Welcoming and Incorporation
- Special Events (Newcomer Meals)
Please read the Newcomer’s Committee Annual Report at the bottom of this page.
Newcomers committee.

Newcomer’s Committee Annual Report
Our Newcomer’s Committee here at St. David’s endeavors to create a welcoming atmosphere for those searching for a new church home. With the help of the parish administrator, our committee reaches out to individuals personally, either by phone or card, to answer questions and provide information concerning the ministries and activities here at St. David’s. Our committee, along with the Sunday greeters & the ushers, help to foster a sense of belonging and invite involvement and participation by all who are interested in “a welcoming, loving community centered in Christ.”