The Ministry of Administration is to make sure that the organizational structure of the parish is intact and running efficiently. The areas of concern are two-fold. One is preparing the church to be intentional as to how we prepare ourselves for ministries in the future. This means providing the needed information to the leadership on how we can equip the congregation into becoming mature disciples of Christ (which coincides with the diocesan mission). Two is to update and create policies to more effectively empower and main the ministries of our church. Areas of focus for this ministry are:
- Visioning
- Strategic Planning
- Gifts Assessment for congregation
- Looking into empowering others for ministry
- Policies and Administration
- Usage of building and property
- Cemetery Committee
- Insurance
- Staff review
- Worship Policies (i.e., marriages, funerals, etc.)
- Maintenance
- Care for the internal parts of the church such as
- Plumbing
- Painting
- Funiture, etc.
- Building and Grounds
- Taking care of trees
- Bushes
- Grass
- Mowing
- Trimming
- Outside space such as playgrounds and patios, etc.