Events Calendar

Pizza and Prayer
Sunday, April 07, 2019, 06:00pm
Hits : 638

Join us for "Pizza and Prayer".  During our retreat in January, the Vestry wanted to develop a program for the entire family. A plan for a once monthly meeting was set in motion. Please join us Sunday April 7 at 6 PM for our first “Pizza and Prayer”.  Fr Scotti will lead us in an instructed Eucharist, and the young people will be watching "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe."  Pizza will be served, followed by the program.  Just think, you don’t have to worry about dinner that evening!!  Please plan to attend and enjoy St. David’s family in fellowship.  It would be nice to have a headcount for the pizza so if you can, please let the office know you plan to attend.  803-736-0866.