The Vestry
The Vestry is responsible for the business affairs of the parish and represents the congregation in every area of decision-making. Vestry members are elected at the annual parish meeting each year and serve staggered three-year terms. The Vestry meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month (except for the month of July). Anyone is welcome to attend. Vestry meeting minutes, financial statements, and the church budget are available. Please contact the Parish Administrator for copies (
St Davids has twelve vestry members. Members typically each have a separate ministry. Sometimes the ministries do overlap and members combine skills to accomplish their task. The head of the vestry is, of course, the rector. He oversees the vestry meetings and directs each ministry. If you would like to become a vestry member, or donate some of your time to a ministry, contact the rector or any of the current vestry members.
Jackie Fishbach, Sr. Warden AC Arn, Jr. Warden
Royal Roseberry, Parish Life Patrice Aubrey, Finance
TJ Dill, Communication Anne Campbell, Administration
Joyce Tensley, Youth Formation Edna Horning, Worship