
Our rector is Father William “Scotty” Brock. He comes to us from St. Michael’s and All Angels in Savannah, GA. Father Brock has a Masters of Divinity, Theology, and Anglican Studies from the Virginia Theological Seminary. He also has a Bachelor of Arts, History Ancient Middle East from Clemson University. He is involved with the Daughters of the King and has served as a spiritual director for Cursillo. He has been involved with the Salvation Army and the Red Cross.
Father Brock has a great sense of humor, a wonderful laugh, and an infectious smile. You may get in touch with him by calling the church office or through email.
Deacon - The Rev Deacon Nelson "Rocky" Dworak
Rocky was born and raised in Buffalo New york. He is a lifetime Episcopalian. He started receiving his calling while living in Chicago. After transferring back to western NY, his calling was affirmed and he was ordained to the Diaconate on Holy Cross day of September 14, 2008. He relocated to Lancaster, SC in 2016 and moved to Blythewood in 2020. Rocky says "I am very happy to be serving at St. Davids".
Director of Music/Organist - Bryan Rurey
Bryan Rurey comes to St. David’s with nearly 30 years of experience as a Church Musician. While he hails from Upstate New York, he and his family have made Columbia their home for the past 5 years. Bryan enjoys the Episcopal Rites and traditions and encourages all to participate in the music program whether it be in the Choir, Bell Choir or leading the children singing at Chapel…There is room for everyone!
Parish Administrator – Donna L. Trapp
Donna is a cradle Episcopalian, born in Alexandria, VA, while her father was in seminary. She is a member of Grace Church, Camden, and has been since her family returned to South Carolina in 1961. A graduate from The College of Charleston with a BA in Political Science and from the University of South Carolina with a Master of Public Administration, Donna spent the majority of her professional career in the banking industry, primarily working in the area of fraud investigations.
At Grace Church, Donna previously taught Sunday School, worked with EYC, and served on the Vestry. On the Diocesan level, she has served on the Happening Committee and Board of Trustees for Camp Gravatt. Donna also currently serves on the National Board and SC State Committee for Epiphany Ministry, which is a youth ministry for incarcerated juveniles.
Parish Treasurer – Glenn Mitchell
A life-long Episcopalian, Glenn is a native southerner, born in Georgia and raised in Tennessee and eastern North Carolina. He comes to St Davids from a 23 year stint as an I/S manager and consultant in Portland, Maine. He retired from the I/S department at BlueCross of SC a few years ago. He and his wife, Kevin, have 14 grandchildren. In addition to his treasurer duties at St. David's, he helps out with our computers.
EYC Youth Director - Jordan Barber
Jordan Barber is a lifelong member of St. David’s Columbia. She actively participated in St. David's EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) and Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina (EDUSC) youth events throughout middle and high school. Her active participation in EDUSC events led to her selection for the Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee (DYLC), where she served during her junior and senior years of high school. As a DYLC member, she gained insights into youth spiritual development, helped design and coordinate EDUSC youth retreats, and contributed youth input in diocesan decisions. In 2011, Jordan was selected to attend both the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) and the Provincial Youth Event (PYE) in St. Paul, Minnesota as a youth representative of EDUSC. She is a 2016 alumnus of the University of South Carolina where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in both Elementary Education, and Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism management. She also obtained a minor in Psychology. Jordan’s diverse educational background allows her to connect with young people on a personal level, providing them with guidance and support on their faith journeys. As Director of Youth Ministries since 2017, she has actively nurtured her lifelong passion for working with children and youth, helping them develop meaningful relationships with God and Jesus.